Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Yet another wonky hat

So here I am at the Chu Chi tunnels just west of Saigon and Jacqui has once again talked me into putting on a wonky hat. The Vietnamese wore these while living in the tunnels but again, no Westerner should ever try this.

The tunnels are fairly fascinating due to the tenacity shown by the Vietnamese people. They were
mainly developed in response to fighting first the French and and then the U.S. The tunnels began in 1948 and each hamlet built their own underground communications route through the hard clay, and over the years, the separate tunnels were slowly and meticulously connected and fortified. By 1965, there were over 200 kilometers (124 miles) of connected tunnel. Barracks, kitchens and wells were built as well as rudimentary hospitals. And the tunnels are so small that you have to bend from the waist to walk and sometimes have to crawl your way through them. No clean air, nasty insects and snakes, tight spaces.....I'm such a wimp.

1 comment:

Willie Baronet said...

I am so loving your hats. All your photos are incredible!! But you already knew I was jealous. Be safe my dear, and can't wait to see you when you get back!!

Love the elephant ear pulling. xo