Tuesday, October 21, 2008

OK, OK!!! I'm in Saigon now.

EVERYONE here drives a scooter or bicycle.  There are millions of them on the street at all times.  Crossing the street is easy - you just start walking and don't stop.  They go around you if you keep going forward.  I've been assured that stopping or going backwards will get you killed and I believe it.  But notice the child on the front of the scooter.  Makes me crazy but the scooter is the family car so you see it everywhere.  Also, at least 1/2 the people wear face masks.  You hear different reasons why - they are sick and being polite or they hate the pollution.  I vote for pollution.  

We're in Saigon now and went to the War Remembrance Museum yesterday.  So many memories....so hard to revisit.  I didn't want to shoot anything there - it's not something I can express in photos.  I'll have to think about it before writing.  The saddest thing is that there wasn't anything shown there that didn't happen.  It's all true - the atrocities, the napalm, Mi Lai....it makes me know even more that war is stupid.  Today we visit the ChuChi tunnels.  I want to...I don't want to.  

1 comment:

Michelle said...

God, it sounds like Saigon is the exact opposite of Hanoi. Crazy, chaotic, sad ... vs. peaceful and beautiful. Hope you're staying dry and got to eat one of that guy's bananas!